My Opal/Silver rings

My opal silver rings are not only a statement to the world at large, but are very precious indeed to me, which is probably why you are never gonna see them off my fingers. Indeed the only time I take them off is to shower or when I have been to hospital, other than that these rings are an constant companion to me.

They have had complete strangers come up and talk to me, because of these beauties and want to know the stone and where I got them. I even had a young lady tell me last week that she had a silver/opal ring too from Magnolia jewelry which was where I got all these rings. And to be honest I have quite a few that I interchange every now and then. They are by far my favourite rings.

I love how they feel on my fingers ever so slightly heavy, but in a good way and if I don’t have them on I feel practically naked. They make me smile everytime I look at them, and I love the way in the light they shimmer and shine so.

Why the reason behind getting opal rings ? Well that is because I am born in October which stone is the opal, alas only the pink opal which I don’t much like, until I came across these blue man made opals which basically means they do not react to water like other opals do. It was heaven and I found my bliss and entered up going back time and time again to Garden city shopping centre in Booragoon to pick another opal ring to adopt.

Then about 18 months ago I found out my favourite store was closing at Booragoon and was totally devastated, no more blue opal rings and by then moved on too blue opal earrings, necklaces and bracelets. Now I can still shop at Magnolia jewelry on line, but that is not the same as going to their store and lovingly gaze at all the new blue opal jewelry and wondering which one would come home with me.

I certainly do not take these special and dear rings for granted, they are a part of me as my hair and nails are too me. And so myself and my opal/silver rings go out and about bringing joy to everybody we meet. Never do I go out to the shops or even at the school I work and somebody will stop me to look at and admire my rings. Some are game enough to touch them or hold my hand, this tolerated because I know that these rings truly bewitch and that their beauty takes many people by surprise.

Please comment or like this blog post if you would like to see more of my jewelry collection? Whether it be more of my blue opal ring collection or other rings I have also collected over time ? Even if you have some of your own you would like to share with me ? I would love to see if anyone else has any other unique Magnolia jewelry or indeed blue opal rings like me ?

Kitty-Kat xox

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